New York
Their first stop was New York where their son John Crowninshield Wilder was born in 1827 and perhaps several other children who do not survive infancy. The family leaves New York. Elias' brothers James and Artemas go their sperate ways.
As Elias, his wife, parents and son move to Ohio sometime before 1840. Elias' father passes away in Ohio in 1839. We don't have a record of when his mother dies but it must have been prior to 1840 as she does not appear in the census record for that year. Thurza and Elias' second son Artemas and third son James Hill Wilder are both born in Ohio.
Again, after a short time the family pulls up stakes and leaves Ohio, this time for Illinois. They recall being in Illinois in 1846 where they witness the Mormons leaving for Salt Lake. As with much farm land in Ohio in Illinois, many farmers have played out the fields, so again we see the Wilders move on with the hope of getting better farm land in northern Missouri close to the Missouri, Iowa border. They spend the war years in Missouri scratching out a living.
After the civil war in 1865, Elias, Thurza, son James and his bride Caroline Huntley gather up their belongings, procure a wagon and an ox team, and head west on one of the last wagon trains to hit the the Oregon trail for California. Their final destination would be Silvyville, California, now Dixon California. There they rented a farm and soon after arriving in Silvyville, both Elias and Thurza pass away. They are buried in an unmarked farm grave somewhere in the vicinity of old Silvyville.